Framework Plan
The master plan is built on the fundamental objectives of the design concept: to become the heart and soul of Fairfield, to create a gateway to nature and connection to the environment, and to provide a flexible network for future development. The design of the master plan works with the assets and investments already on the site— Churchill Parkway, JEDCO Offices and Conference Center, Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy, and Delgado Community College River City Campus & Advanced Manufacturing Center—to capitalize on this activity to build a sense of place and center of energy in the near term, while looking far down the road to plan for the potential of the 480 acres as a whole.
Several key open spaces anchor the development, providing opportunity for public events, informal gathering, and recreation for park users. Portions of these public spaces also function as key green infrastructure elements, providing stormwater treatment and storage while creating major public amenities. These open spaces are stitched together with a system of green streets and pedestrian connections that come together to form a greenspace network that traverses the district.
The master plan provides for a simple yet elegant grid system, which gives flexibility for tenants to develop within a logical and predictable framework. This roadway framework is critical to the success of the development; prioritizing the street grid ahead of unknown development will allow Churchill Park to evolve as a walkable, compact, connected, and efficient district.
Blocks and lots vary in their depth to provide for the needs of yet unforeseen tenants. While no one can predict the needs of future users entirely, the master plan can accommodate a variety of potential developments, from corporate campus to higher education, office, hotel, mixed-use, research, flex space, or medium density residential. Streets have been prioritized such that, if the needs arise from a major user, a segment of a lower priority street could be eliminated while maintaining the integrity of the circulation network for the wider district.
At nearly every point where it is possible on the plan, streets are shown extending beyond the boundaries of Churchill Park to connect with adjacent properties. Since Churchill Park is poised to spark the development of Fairfield as a whole, it is critical that this site be planned with connections to future development that will occur on adjacent land. If the Fairfield area is developed by individual property owners without regard to what is happening on neighboring land, the result will be a disconnected and fragmented district, and a major missed opportunity for the West Bank and Jefferson Parish.