Churchill Tech Park


JEDCO Releases Jefferson EDGE 2020 Beautification Implementation Strategy

With an unprecedented level of cooperation from Jefferson Parish civic and business leaders, JEDCO today released strategies intended to beautify­ Jefferson Parish:

  • Implement a comprehensive “boulevards initiative” to systemati¬≠cally upgrade the major thoroughfares in Jefferson Parish.
  • Significantly enhance both the content and the enforcement of the Parish’s land use policies and regulations.
  • Increase community awareness of beautification efforts and elicit further community involvement
  • Provide additional public art installations throughout Jefferson Parish.

In the face of a wide range of quality of life concerns in Jefferson Parish, aesthetic issues are typically relegated to second class status. There are a number of reasons, however, why beautify¬≠ing Jefferson Parish rises to the level of a “major” quality of life issue. First of all, aesthetics play a tremendous role in influencing an individual’s impression of a community. While an aging, lackluster aesthetic environment is a sign of a stagnate community, an aesthetically appealing environ¬≠ment offers tangible evidence of a community’s overall desirability and progress. Secondly, aesthetics are not just a sign of prosperity. Research suggests that an attractively built environment actually serves as a catalyst for reinvestment. Across the country, the older, established communities that have prospered tend to be those that offer a unique “sense of place” and an attractive physical en¬≠vironment. The third and final reason why beautification is so important is that tangible improvements in aesthetics can be realized in a relatively short period of time. If major beautification initiatives are implemented, a more attractive Jefferson Parish is not a likely outcome; it is a guaranteed outcome and one that could potentially be realized in as few as three to five years. Given the present concern about the loss of middle class residents from Jefferson, beautification is relatively unique among qual¬≠ity of life issues in its potential to yield immediate, noticeable results.

The Beatification Strategy is one of eight quality of life issues that JEDCO and the Steering Committee of the Jefferson EDGE, Jefferson Parish’s economic development strategic plan, have identified as crucial to the overall economic well-being of Jefferson. Flood control was issued in December, 2007, crime abatement was issued in February, 2008 and education was released in May, 2008. The remaining issues: insurance, hospitals, economic development and the redevelopment of Fat City, will be addressed over the next nine months.

Jefferson EDGE 2020 Beautification Implementation Strategy